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2015년 서울시9급 영어독해 빈칸채우기 문제1

by 학원광™ 2015. 6. 28.

2015년 서울시9급 영어독해 빈칸채우기 문제1

※ 문맥상 밑줄에 들어가기 가장 적절한 것은? (14~16)


  In late-twentieth-century America, perhaps in the West as a whole, human life is conceived in terms of a basic unit, the autonomous, free, self-determining individual. This is a being understood as possessing a(n) ______ selfhood, an inner entity known through a sense of immediacy and plenitude and constituted above all by a self-aware consciousness and an executive will.

① communal ② connected

③ dividual ④ undivided