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2015년 서울시9급 영어독해 지문일치불일치 문제

by 더이그잼™ 2015. 6. 23.

2015년 서울시9급 영어독해 지문일치불일치 문제

20. 다음 글의 내용에 가장 가까운 것은?

To act well, a person needs to determine which action-guiding statements are true, or likely to be true, and which false, or likely to be false. For it seems reasonable to suppose that a person who is acting in accordance with true statements, and not false ones likely to be true, has more chance of reaching acceptable goals.

① It can be unreliable to act in accordance with statements which are likely to be true.

② Acceptable results will be guaranteed to a person acting on the ground of true statements.

③ It is equally dangerous to act on the statements that are true and on those that are likely to be true.

④ Action is one thing, and statements another; the two have no mutual dependency.